Sunday, May 27, 2012

What a feeling!

Friday morning I wrote my first final for this course...One semester down...5 more months to go.

Right now, however, I am on a break (Cue "Friends" theme song here).

2 quizzes 93% average
one final exam 76%
one essay yet to be marked

I have guesstimated that, if I were to get at least an 80% on the essay, I will have a final mark for the first semester in the low 80s. Yay!!!!

I'm not going to blow smoke at anyone, including myself...
It was difficult. There were moments of frustration, tears, defeat, lonlieness and resentment.

Yes, I felt resentful. I am not proud. I had moments where it felt like I never saw my family. Ok, really, I never saw my family. I cried tears in my pillow, mumbling things like people just didn't get it and there was no way I could do all I was being asked to do.


the greatest gift of all

I know I am capable of more than I thought I was.

Including passing this course...I did it! And I will successfully complete the second one as well...

My family (children) understood...understand

and they understand that there will be another season of it.

Next go around I know what to expect, how to plan...

The next little while, I am enjoying my family...

And I am taking time to smell the roses...which means a few picnics, museum trips, strolls with the family...

Oh, and maybe get back on track here...

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

A Tale of Two Duckies

(Bug's 3rd grade class has been raising two ducklings to release into Memorial Gardens in honor of their classmate who passed away earlier this school year. A lot of 3rd grade classes do this project each year but this year, for our family, it has special meaning because of Mathew's passing. Each student takes a turn to bring the ducklings home to care for them during the evening. Tonight was our turn. I thought it would be fun to send a letter back to the class, sharing the details of their visit with is "The Tale of Two Duckies")

Dear Mrs B and our Grade 3 class friends,

We had a lot of fun tonight at Bug's house. Some of his friends came over to meet us - a few kids but mostly grown-ups. Our fuzzy yellow, adorableness (that's duck for 'cute') brought big, joyful smiles to their faces; we think they felt young at heart just to be around us.

Webster spent a lot of snuggle time with Bug's sister, Jellybean. In fact, at one point of the night, she was holding him like a baby, stroking his head and he was soaking up all that love like a sponge.

Bug & I spent a lot of quality time together. Don't tell Webster but, I'm pretty sure I'm Bug's favorite. Close to Bug's bedtime, we were snuggling on the couch and we were both so comfortable with each other that we fell asleep. Well...until I did something to wake us both up; I'll let Bug tell you that story if he wants. He's way better at story telling than I - after all, I am a duck.

Bug shares very nicely. He let us use his tub for swimming, nibble on his fingers, ears, hair and nose. He giggled like a mad man when we did that - guess he likes it. We were glad he liked the way we showed him our affection. (His sister had sparkly things on her ears and neck; we really like sparkly things! :D)

Our room {insert to add: a giant rubber made tote}was always neat, clean and dry; Bug made sure of that. Well...except for when all we wanted to do was play in the water. He let us play & then cleaned up after us. How cool is that?

Bug & his family have pictures of us and I'll bet they will share them if you want {insert to add they will make their grand appearance on this very blog in the next couple of days}.  We had a wonderul adventure here and are looking forward to another adventure with another child from Grad 3.

Keep it real, peeps.
(that's duck for 'bye for now')

First part of school...

almost done...Yes! And again I say YES!!!! Assignment 1 and 2 are turned in and 1 has been marked and returned - 91.3%. I'm anxiously awaiting #2 being marked and returned. My essay, on glaucoma, is completed, proof-read and sent to my boss for a final "inspection". I will email that as soon as I hear back from him. I have a checklist I needed the doctor to sign to fax in to the college and I am good to write my final for part one...

I came close to my breaking point a couple times...there were tears, there were tantrums, there were moments of complete doubt in my ability to even get to where I am right now with working full-time, my husband working out of town so much and a busy family/church life...but I did it!

Oh and P.S. I know it wasn't me all on my own who did it...I have lots of kind, supportive friends and family

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Lesson Learned

So, Monday afternoon I looked into my 8 year old son's room and saw that my numerous requests for him to clean his room had not reached his ears. 

Lessons need to be learned and threats needed to have follow through.  While Bug was at school, this mama took a box of big, black garbage bags and cleaned his room her way. He may or may not be thrilled with what he begins to discover are no longer in his possession.

I think the lesson has been learned because the remaining toys have been picked up since AND...his bed has been made every morning before school...

And, side note, Jellybean has been making her bed each morning before school too...Lesson learned x 2!!!  Woo hoo!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

It's coming together

I have been working my behind off...unfortunately, it hasn't been in the literal sense of the phrase but, I digress one sentence into my post.

I finished the first part of the course I have been working on 3 weeks before my deadline. This means I have 3 weeks to write my essay on glaucoma and to study for the first final exam. Two assignments have been handed in and one has been returned. I am pleased to say I got 91.3% on the first one and am thankful that the final exam is only worth 50% of my mark...

It has been a busy few weeks since my uncle's funeral. I have finished the course content of school (first half - as said before), had a few photoshoots (including a wedding - pictures coming soonish), a few more coming up and have some upcoming weekend training with the girls from work (looking forward to that!)

Anyway, back to glaucoma...the internal pressure is getting to me (pun completely intended although somewhat inappropriate)