Monday, February 20, 2012

Family Day

is a wonderful holiday in a few provinces here in Canada and we took advantage of it. No work  - we slept in. {grin} We gathered the kiddos up, stockpiled on a bit of candy (fun dips, caramel apple suckers all sorts of goodies...mmm) and took them to see Journey 2 The Mysterious Island. We all enjoyed it but the kids most certainly did - lots of giggles, shared popcorn and snuggles in the movie theatre.  I think it will definitely be a movie to be bought for our collection.

Next family night, I am certain, will be next Saturday, considering B.D. will be leaving the end of Feb and will be gone (save the Saturdays of each weekend) for at least 3 weeks...looking forward to it.  Must plan some extra fun foods... {grin}

1 comment:

  1. Love great family movies! Sounds like a fun time :)

    Sleeping in sounds just wonderful!

    With love and Hope,
