Wednesday, June 16, 2010

In order to catch up

in two of her classes, Jellybean will be doing some school work over the summer holiday (which begins this Saturday!)

We, meaning Jellybean, will be working on getting her Social Studies level up and doing some more Math.  Math is mainly so she keeps working at it over the summer, as it is not her favorite subject and I think she needs to "practice" instead of get Summer Vacay Brain.

C'mon, you all know what I mean.

So, we set some guidelines because Summer is still about fun and relaxing.  She can work on school work for about 45 minutes a day (while I am at work and she is at the sitter's which means 4 days a week).  She gets closer to her goals in school work but, we still have our time to enjoy each other or for her to simply be a kid.  Gotta love that.

Of course, any trouble she has will need to cut in on Summertime as I will need to help her.

Pulling out my times table sheet right now...


Have I stated before how much I hate the fact that B.D. insists on the children attending this ridiculous "church school"?  I feel it is doing them a huge disservice and I despise it coompletely.


  1. I think that's a great set-up. And even if she didn't need to raise her levels or work on certain areas, it is good for ANY child to continue work over the summer... but I don't need to tell you that. :) You have this mothering thing down pat! :) Good for Jellybean, though. She'll feel accomplished and more confident each day while still having fun and enjoying her summer break. :)

  2. wanna talk about rain! come to Vancouver, rain capital of the world! :S geesh! But at least it's green :D

    Keeping kids active in studies though the summer is so keen to developing and strengthening their mind! way to go! I'm sorry to hear about Rush but she'll come home...eventually. Just give her time.
