Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Time for a little Prairie Dog slang

So, we all have them and we all use them - words and phrases that will shout to the people "she ain't from 'round here".

I thought I would share with my friends, my new internet friends, some of the words I use because after my last post, I realized there may be some confusion as to what I may be referring.

Let me present to you slang of Saskatchewan:

Back forty: a piece of land (technically 40 acres) or a field that is away from the home on a farm, or a remote location.

Bannock: (besides being absolutely delicious, especially with homemade raspberry jam) unleavened bread made using flour, water and sometimes, lard.

Bee: A co-operative work session where neighbors and family come together to complete a project. Here we use them for darn near everything - barn-raising, combining, perogy-making...

Bin: A place to store grain

Block heater: A device that allows you to plug your car into an electrical source - nothing worse than a dead car battery on a frigid prairie day.
(Do any Americans have block heaters in their cars? I know we bought a car from a friend in Kansas City, Mo and it didn't have one.)

Bunny hug: The rest of the world calls this a hoodie.

Bush party: a large teen party usually held in a field.

Coffee row: a morning coffee break. People from near and far gather at a local coffee shop for a cup and conversation. Topics usually involve weather and/or politics. Usually involve all the retired generation.

Dainties: Sweets, squares, cookies (what do you call them?)

Dugout: No, we are not about to play ball. Here in Saskatchewan it is also a farm's water supply.

Flatlander: Someone from the prairies.

Gibbled: broken, dysfunctional

Gitch: Underwear.

Grid road: A dirt road that has a gravel top.

Prairie Oysters: (disclaimer: never tried them - never will) this is, apparently a prairie delicacy of bull testicles - usually fried. (yuck)

Stubble jumper: A Saskatchewanian.

Supper: The evening meal.

Vico: a small carton of chocolate milk

Washboard: a gravel road that has many consecutive bumps, much like an old fashioned washboard. (aren't we clever?)

So? What are some of your slang words?


  1. We call 'em Rocky Mountain Oysters!! ; )

  2. Yes, some American's do have block heaters, 'specially us northerners (MN). I don't think it's quite as common as it used to be, and I'm pretty sure it's not a standard feature. We don't have any on our vehicles, but I remember my parents having them.

    Supper - yes. Around here, the farmers say dinner for lunch. I say lunch for lunch, and dinner is for Sundays.
    Vico - is that a brand name?
    Dugout - a well?
    Dainties - bars? Is it just a general food group term for finger food desserts?
    BUnny hug. That's cute. I still can be heard referring to them as hooded sweatshirts. Unless they're hooded tshirts, then I call them hoodies.
    And don't you have some funny french word for slippers? Or is that not your territory?

  3. Vico is a brand name. I remember my dad worked with a company from Birmingham, Alabama and the one man was hilarious! V.I.C.O.? V.I.C.O? What in the hell is V.I.C.O?

    A dugout is not a well (we have those as well) but it would be like a deep, but small pond, I think would be the best way to describe it. We used to have skating parties on our dugout. you could safely have about 10-15 kids skating without people bumping into each other.

    Dainties would be like dessert bars or treats of that kind. So, yes, like finger food desserts.

    As for the slipper thing, I am trying to think what you may be thinking of and, unless you are thinking of moccassins (the Native American beaded "slipper" not the boot), you must be thinking of a different area. But yes, a lot of us wear moccassins.
